Lehigh MBA July Open House and Class Visit Opportunities

Lehigh University’s College of Business and Economics will host two Open House events this month, which include the opportunity for prospective MBA students to sit on an evening class.
The first of these events will be held tomorrow, Tuesday July 16th. Visiting students can attend a meeting of Marketing Communication Strategies, a three-credit elective course that focuses on strategies for integrating traditional and new media platforms to achieve organizational objectives. Prospective students might expect to see discussion among students, analysis of a case, or even insights from a guest speaker.
Lehigh’s second July Open House will take place on Wednesday, July 24th, when visitors will have the opportunity to sit in on Advanced Topics in Financial Management: Financial Analysis & Modeling. This three-credit finance elective builds upon the intermediate Financial Management elective, and covers a range of topics relating to specific areas of corporate finance. The course description promises students a theoretical and empirical look at recent developments in financial management, asset valuation and capital budgeting, including imprecise forecasts, risk preferences, and the role of uncertainty.
Both of these classes meet from 6-9:30pm on their respective evenings in Lehigh’s Rauch Business Center; visitors are encouraged to stay as long as they can and leave early if their schedule does not permit them to remain for the entire class. Prospective students are invited to stop by the Graduate Programs Office any time from 5-6pm to pick up program information and meet the program’s Director of Recruitment and Admissions, Jen Giordano.