QS World Tour comes to NYC

On Sunday, September 15, the QS MBA World Tour will be making a stop in NYC at the Hilton New York from 12-6pm This comprehensive fair will feature many New York business schools, including Columbia Business School, NYU Stern, Rutgers Business School, Lubin School of Business, Zicklin School of Business, and Zarb School of Business.
At the event, you can speak face-to-face with admissions directors and alumni representatives from the participating schools, as well as attend presentations, panels and information sessions, including the Women in Leadership Networking Session and the Military Panel Discussion. The entry fee at the New York event is $5 when pre-registering online and $15 at the door on the day-of.
The QS World MBA Tour will be touching down in over 20 cities within the U.S. and Canada, in addition to select locations in Europe, Latin America, Asia, India and the Middle East. In addition to the wide variety of presentations, including GMAT test prep companies, and the business school fair itself, attendees will be able to apply for $1,200,000 of exclusive MBA scholarships.
You can find the full details for the event here.