
Loyola Sellinger MBA Program at the Forefront of Cybersecurity Business Study

Graduate business training in cybersecurity is fast becoming a global trend according to a recent Bloomberg Businessweek article. Companies need professionals who can conduct business while preventing security catastrophes. A few, including IBM, have started sponsoring cybersecurity training at business programs across the country. Online security has long been a major area of concern in the nation’s capital and a few of Washington DC’s graduate business programs, notably Loyola University’s Sellinger School of Business MBA program, already have a substantial cybersecurity presence.

The mixture of cybersecurity and advanced management training make Loyola’s MBA cybersecurity program highly unique. As of 2012, Loyola MBA students can enroll in a part-time, one-year, or graduate-credit cyber security certificate program. Students can opt to enroll in the program in addition to the MBA or take the courses as part of their MBA program. Loyola’s MBA/cybersecurity students learn about cybersecurity technology, policy, and even the management of a cybersecurity business. Although it remains less popular than a concentration in big data analytics, a focus on cybersecurity promises to make Loyola’s MBA students more competitive as online business security becomes more critical.

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