Stillman MBA Student Wins New York Supply Chain Management Scholarship

An Supply Chain Management MBA student at Seton Hall University’s Stillman School of Business has won a prestigious scholarship in supply chain management. Sean Rainford is the recipient of the 2013 Rhoda Isaacs Scholarship, an award sponsored by the Council for Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)’s New York chapter. Mr. Rainford competed against undergraduate and graduate level students in the greater New York City metro area to win the scholarship.
The winner of the scholarship receives a fully funded trip to CSCMP’s annual global conference in Denver, Colorado, where they are recognized for their achievements. The scholarship recipient also receives the chance to network with potential employers and supply chain management industry professionals and place their resume in CSCMP’s resume bank.
The 2013 scholarship competition asked students to write an essay about three potential topics: the most significant supply chain disruptions that threaten an industry of interest to the applicant, three supply chain risks that face New York food and beverage companies, or the key trends that are changing modern supply chains. Rainford’s essay discussed the rise of knowledge workers and change from “big data” to “fast data” as key trends affecting the supply chain.
Rainford attributed his success to Dr. Penina Orenstein, who is an Associate Professor in Computing and Decision Sciences, and other individuals who are part of the Stillman MBA program. He believes his award is a testament to the quality of education provided by Stillman. He is the second Stillman student to receive a supply chain management award recently–fellow student Wambui Gathu won the Institute of Supply Chain Management – Capital One Scholarship in September.