Fordham Gabelli to Host Entrepreneurship Conference

On November 13, 2013, Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business will host TrepCon, an entrepreneurship conference featuring speeches from business leaders, career advice, and networking opportunities. The event runs from 9:00 AM to 6:30 PM and is open to everyone, but is only free for Fordham students and staff. The ticket cost for the general public is $100, and the alumni ticket cost is $25.
The event begins with a breakfast for all participants. The first speaker is John Caplan, the founder and CEO of OpenSky and the TrepCon keynote speaker. OpenSky is a social shopping site that currently has 3 million members. It was named one of Forbes’ 2012 Most Promising Companies, after citing a $4 million dollar increase in revenue over one year, and total revenues of $18 million. Caplan is sure to discuss his experience at OpenSky, but may also talk about his earlier work as the president of and the CEO of Ford Models.
The next speaker, Mark Monchek, is the founder of The Opportunity Lab, a company that helps businesses grow sustainably and strategically. He will speak on the topic of using personal strengths and passions to create a successful career. His speech will be followed by a panel discussion on creative markets and entrepreneurship, featuring the chairman of Opera Singers Initiative, Anna Lee.
The conference will also feature a Lunch and Learn on the way female entrepreneurs are changing the business world featuring Carissa Reiniger, the founder and president of Silver Lining Limited. Silver Lining helps small business owners improve their business.
The lunch will be followed by two events led by members of the Fordham community. First, a senior at Fordham, Sam Hysell, will discuss his transition from college to the entrepreneurial world. After his talk, recent alumni will participate in a panel discussion about their experiences launching mobile apps. The event will feature comments from Joseph Sorrentino ’13, the CFO and co-founder of ConnectNow, and Christopher Fong, a founding team member of Adam & Luna.
The last speech of the conference will come from Pave co-founder Justin Mitchell will talk about assembling his venture capital firm. His company includes former McKinsey, Microsoft, Visa, Goldman Sachs, and Facebook employees.
The conference will end with a networking reception where participants can meet the speakers and other entrepreneurs from the New York region. If you are interested in attending the conference, you can register here. The full schedule of events is available here.