This is the Last Week to Register For The Quinlan Ramble in Seattle!
The Quinlan Ramble provides students with an opportunity to connect with Quinlan alumni, get an inside look at corporate titans, and see what it’s like to be a part of the business community. This year, the Ramble will visit Seattle, Washington. Seattle is home to some of the country and world’s largest and most recognizable companies including Boeing, Microsoft, Costco, and Starbucks.
This year’s Quinlan Rable will be from March 1-7 and is imited to 16 students who major in the Quinlan School of Business. The cost is $300 per student and includes airfare, hotel, ground transportation, and some meals. Students will go on tours/ and nformation sessions with local businesses, gaining key insgight into the business workings of Seatlle.
Applications due by January 24, and Interested students please submit your application to Maguire Hall 220. When you submit your application you will be asked to sign a OSCCR Student Educational Records Disclosure Form. The students who are selected will be notified of the proper next steps. You can apply using the Spring Quinlan Ramble Application Form.
If you have any questions, please contact Alex See, student services coordinator, at