Stillman Launches 2014 Pitch Competition

The Stillman School of Business at Seton Hall University has released a call for submissions to its pitch competition, Pirates Pitch 2014. Pirates Pitch 2014 will be the fourth annual Seton Hall University Venture Fund Competition.
Pirates Pitch 2014 is open to all undergraduate and graduate students at Seton Hall University. The competition is also open to students who have already started a business, but those students must pitch an idea to expand their business instead of pitching their existing business. Students may enter the competition alone, or form teams of up to five people.
At the beginning of the competition, students submit an original idea for a business or a plan to improve their existing business. All submissions are due by February 9 at midnight. Ten semi-finalists will be chosen from the pool of initial entries by a team of judges comprised of entrepreneurs and business experts. The ten semi-finalists will make a five minute pitch to the judges, and the judges will choose five finalists. The finalists will have to prepare and submit a detailed plan for their business, and give a ten minute presentation to the judging panel. The final presentations will take place on April 11.
The competition offers $10,000 in cash prizes for innovative business ideas. The winning team will receive $6,000, and the second place team will receive $3500. In addition to cash prizes, the two top winners also receive access to accountants, lawyers, and professionals to help them launch their startup.