Boston a Hotbed for MBAs in Healthcare, Finance, Consulting

A survey recently released by GMAC has revealed Boston as a national leader in fully four of the eight sectors rated by the survey.
Boston’s biggest score was the healthcare industry–a strength in the Boston Metro we’ve covered extensively at MetroMBA. Boston had the highest percentage of incoming MBAs with a background in healthcare–15%–and the second highest percentage intending to enter healthcare after graduating–also 15%. If you’re interested in healthcare, be sure to check out our list of healthcare MBAs.
Perhaps less well known is Boston’s strength in attracting students from the Finance sector. With 24% of incoming MBAs with a background in the finance sector, Boston trails New York by only 4 percentage points. Check out our list of top finance MBAs in Boston.
Boston was almost as popular with consultants: 12% of entering MBAs came from consulting, beat only by Washington DC and San Fransisco. If you have an interest in strategic consulting, you can check out our list of strategy MBAs in Boston, or consult our full list of specialties.
Finally, Boston scored high in the government and non-profit sector. 20% of its MBAs intend to pursue careers in the sector, making it tied for third after DC and San Diego.
The survey was conducted by the Graduate Management Admissions Council, or GMAC, the owner of the GMAT, and was part of its annual Prospective Students Survey. The survey analyzed data on 23 metros and looked at the sectors in which prospective MBA students are currently employed, and what sectors they plan to move into after graduation. For the full report, visit GMAC’s site here: For infographics, see