UC Davis Dean Announces New Curriculum

In this video, you can see Steven C. Currall, Dean of UC Davis Graduate School of Management, introduce the school’s internationally ranked MBA program’s new, innovative curriculum that further integrates globalization, responsible business ethics and sustainability.Anchored by a two-part capstone course, Integrated Management Project and Articulation and Critical Thinking (IMPACT), the curriculum renewal—the most fundamental in the School’s history—is designed to better prepare graduates with the real-world practice, analytical and technical skills and leadership training needed to succeed in the business world of today and tomorrow.
In the new curriculum, ten core courses provide you a foundation in the functional areas of business: accounting, economics, finance, marketing, operations, organizational behavior, statistics and strategy. These management disciplines are examined through case studies, lectures and company analyses that address key concepts and spark discussion. These courses also introduce you to the broader themes of corporate responsibility, ethics, globalization, innovation and leadership.
In IMPACT, you’ll sharpen your writing, speaking and critical-thinking abilities and then put those collective business skills and knowledge to work on 20-week team projects for partner companies ranging from Fortune 500 firms to ultra-fast-paced Silicon Valley start-ups.
The goal of this new curriculum? To better prepare you with the real-world practice, analytical and technical skills, and leadership training you need to succeed.