UC Berkeley Students Award Faculty and Graduate Instructors Cheit Teaching Awards

Six professors and two graduate student instructors at University of California, Berkeley’s Haas School of Business will be honored at the commencement this month for their excellence in teaching.
A panel of students who selected the Cheit Award recipients from student nominations chose the professors and instructors to be awarded. The award is named after Dean Emeritus Earl F. Cheit, who made teaching excellence one of his top priorities.
The faculty winner of the Cheit Award for this year are: Professor Leif Nelson, PhD Program, Lecturer Frank Schultz, Undergraduate Program, Flavio Feferman, Evening MBA Program, Mark Rittenberg, Weekend MBA Program and Toby Stuart and Rob Chandra, Entrepreneurship, Full-time MBA Program.
The students are also recognizing Alexander Nezlobin and Rob Chandra with honorable mentions in the Undergraduate Program and Lucas Davis with an honorable mention in the Full-time MBA Program.
The winners of the Cheit Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor awards will also be recognized at commencements this year. Those graduate student instructors are, Kylan Nieh, BS/BA ‘14 Business and Computer Science, Undergraduate Program, Adam Chopko, MBA ‘14, Evening and Weekend MBA Program and also, PhD candidate Isaac Hacamo, Full-time MBA Program
Earlier this year, students in the Berkeley Master of Financial Engineering Program presented a Cheit teaching award to Yu (Ben) Meng, MFE 02, for his Risk Management course. A graduate student instructor award was given to Te (Tony) Ke.