Davis Ranked for Best Quality of Education
Graduateprograms.com has ranked the UC Davis Graduate School of Management no. 21 in the top 25 business schools that offer the best quality of education. For the data, GraduatePrograms.com surveyed over 10,000 current and former business school students about their programs to find which places offer the best quality of education.
The best quality of education was based on the schools where students have access to relevant, interesting, and challenging courses taught by qualified professors. Students ranked their schools on a scale from 1 to 10. The scores for each school were averaged together to come up with the final ranking score.
The program rankings surveys were conducted over a period from September 1, 2012 to March 31, 2015. Graduateprograms.com assigned 15 ranking categories to each graduate program at each graduate school. Rankings cover a variety of student topics, such as academic competitiveness, career support, financial aid and quality of network.
Rankings are determined for each school by calculating the average score for each program based on the 15 ranking categories. These scores are then compared across all ranked schools for that program and are translated into a final ranking for that graduate program. A given graduate program is not ranked until a minimum threshold of graduate student surveys is completed for that graduate program. The no. 1 school was Wake Forest University. The other California business schools included in the rankings were, The Haas School of Business (no. 6) and UC Irvine (no. 22).
UC Davis Graduate School of Management offers a full-time, traditional MBA, as well as a part-time MBA for working professionals. The school’s curriculum is designed to provide students with a foundation in the functional areas of business-accounting, economics, finance, marketing, organizational behavior, statistics and strategy.
More information on UC Davis and other MBA programs in San Francisco can be found at metromba.com.