Cesare Mainardi Will Speak at Kellogg Convocation

Cesare R. Mainardi will address the newest graduating class of the Kellogg School of Management at the school’s convocation. The 2015 Convocation Ceremony will take place on Saturday, June 13 at 3:00 PM (CT) at the Alice Millar Chapel.
According to his bio on the firm’s website. Mainardi is Chief Executive Officer of Strategy&, formed in 2014 when Booz & Company combined with PwC to form a new consulting firm offering strategy-through-execution services. Mainardi, who was born and raised in Rome and moved to the United States for college, has been a partner of the firm since 1993. Prior to his election as Booz & Company CEO in April 2012, he served as Chief Operating Officer of Booz & Company and Managing Director of its North American business. Mainardi has been a principal architect of the firm’s approach to capabilities-driven strategy and capabilities building.
The CEO has co-authored the books The Essential Advantage and Cut Costs and Grow Stronger, and also co-authored several articles on business strategy published in leading journals such as the Harvard Business Review and strategy+business, including “The Coherence Premium,” “The Right to Win,” “The Capabilities Premium in M&A,” and “The New Supercompetitors.” Mainardi is a member of The Wall Street Journal’s“The Experts” panel of industry and thought leaders and has contributed articles to Fortune and Forbes.
Mainardi attended Northwestern University in Chicago and earned in six years a Bachelor of Science in industrial engineering, a Master’s degree in manufacturing engineering, and an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management. He currently teaches at Kellogg as an Adjunct Professor of Strategy.