Drucker’s Bernard Jaworski Strikes Again, Wins Award For Contribution to Marketing Theory

We recently wrote in this space about how Bernard Jaworski, the Peter F. Drucker Chair in Management and the Liberal Arts at Claremont Graduate University’s Drucker School of Management, recently received The 2015 Mahajan Award from the American Marketing Association (AMA). Jaworski wasn’t done winning, as it was recently announced that he also won the Harold H. Maynard Award for an article he co-authored in 2014 with Goutam Challagalla and Brian R. Murtha.
The Journal of Marketing presents this award for an article that has made the most significant contribution to marketing theory and thought over the previous year. Jaworski will accept the award at the summer Marketing Educators’ Conference this August in Chicago, IL.
The winning article, titled “Marketing Doctrine: A Principles-Based Approach to Guiding Marketing Decision Making in Firms,” focuses on developing a marketing doctrine, or a small set of principles that guide marketers in the field. Jaworski compares it to the military’s war-fighting doctrine.
“It’s a firm-specific set of principles to help guide people and help shape their decisions,” he said.
On winning the award, Jaworski added, “It’s very humbling because most of my work is practice based. I was incredibly surprised that I was able to win a theory award based on research that came from the field, from practice.”