SFSU College of Business Announces E&C Certificate

San Francisco State University College of Business recently announced that they will be offering an Ethics & Compliance Certificate program, according to a press release from the school. The certificate program launches in the Fall 2015 semester.
Ethics & Compliance specialists work to make sure organizations do not commit errors that violate ethical standards or regulatory requirements. They assess a company’s potential adverse or ethical impact on their stakeholders. They also use analytical tools to measure how effective a business’s ethical practices are and assess compliance with regulations on a national and global scale. Two key areas where Ethics & Compliance specialists are needed are instantiating internal control and strategic planning in a variety of functional areas of a company. Their role is to minimize the risk of unethical or illegal activities committed by individuals working in organizations by implementing policies and procedures to prevent these failures.
The programs offers students and professionals access to specific academic training. Students in the program may already have a graduate degree or may be seeking graduate-level certificate course preparation in order to further their professional development. The GMAT and GRE are not required for acceptance into this certificate program, although students must have at least a 3.0 average GPA. Students must complete three graduate-level MBA courses with a focus on Ethics & Compliance with at least a B in order to receive the certificate. Credits from the certificate can also be applied to SFSU’s MBA program, but students must complete the MBA within seven years of completing the Ethics & Compliance Certificate.