2015-2016 London Business School Essay Topics

The LBS admissions committee has released the London Business School essay topics for the applicant pool seeking entrance for August 2016.
2015-2016 London Business School Essay Topics
The 2 mandatory and 1 optional essays follow respectively:
1. What are your post-MBA plans and how will your past experience and the London Business School programme contribute? (500 words)
2. What specific areas of London Business School life are you most excited about getting involved in and where will you add value? (300 words)
3. Is there any other information you believe the Admissions Committee should know about you and your application to London Business School? (300 words)
For additional information regarding the application, visit London Business School’s admissions website.
Here are the London Business School MBA Admissions Deadlines for 2015-2016:
Stage 1 – September 25, 2015
Stage 2 – January 5, 2016
Stage 3 – February 23, 2016
Stage 4 – April 21, 2016