Cal State LA Hosts 2nd Annual Business Research Symposium

The College of Business and Economics (CBE) at California State University, Los Angeles (Cal State LA) will play host to the Journal of International & Interdisciplinary Business Research (JIIBR) Symposium from October 7-9, 2015.
JIIBR publishes research on a wide range of business topics, including accounting, finance, economics, management, marketing, international business, strategy, entrepreneurship, business law, logistics, informatics and ethics.
The symposium, which kicked off October 7 with a lecture on consumer behavior across cultures, is a collaboration between the Colleges of Business and Economics at Cal State LA and Fort Hays State University in Kansas.
Scheduled keynote speaker Michael Sarian—president of operations for Prime Healthcare in Ontario, Canada, which operates hospitals across the United States—will discuss pressing issues facing healthcare organizations. A Cal State LA alumnus, Sarian earned his B.S. in business administration, accounting and finance. He also holds an MBA from the University of La Verne College of Business and Public Management.
Other talks include “Business Incubators as Drivers of Pivotal Talent Development in China” by Sean Chen of Mercer University, “The Digital Revolution and the Organization of Work: Contemporary Management Methods” by Michael Kendzia of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences and “The Spread of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome from Saudi Arabia to South Korea” by Barbara Son of Cal State LA.
The first annual JIIBR Symposium took place in September 2014.
Learn more about the JIIBR Symposium at Cal State.