Fox Holds MBA Information Events

The Fox School of Business will host three separate MBA information events on Nov. 3 for prospective students. The first opportunity for prospective students will be the Fox One-on-One Consultation. Prospective students can schedule an appointment between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. with a Fox representative. The meetings will be held at Temple University’s center city campus. Prospective students can learn more about the many MBA options that Fox offers and learn more about the admissions process. Appointments can be scheduled online.
The next event for prospective students will be a virtual MBA information. The event will be held online at noon. Although it is a virtual information session, it will be a live session. Prospective students will have the chance to get an in-depth look in to the MBA programs at Fox and to learn more about the school, admissions and program options from an admissions representative. Registration for this event can be completed online.
The final event on Nov. 3 will be an in-person admissions information session at at the Temple center city campus. The event will be held at 5:30 p.m. Prospective students will have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with an admissions representative and learn more about the Fox MBA and admissions requirements. Prospective students can register for this event online.
The Fox School of Business offers a Global MBA program, an online MBA program and a part-time MBA program as well as an Executive MBA program. The Global MBA program is Temple’s full-time MBA program. Students in the Global MBA program complete 54 credits over a two-year period in a cohort.The Fox online MBA was ranked no. 1 in the country by U.S. News. The online program can be completed in as little as 20 months. Students complete the program in a carousel structure and compete course at their own pace, with each course held for four weeks.
The part-time MBA can be completed in as little as 24 months. Students in this program have a great amount of flexibility for scheduling, with courses held both in the evenings and on the weekends. The Fox EMBA program was ranked no. 1 in Philadelphia. Courses for the program are held one weekend per month over the course of 16 months. Classes meet at the Center City campus in Philadelphia with supplementary web conferencing sessions.
For more information on the Fox School of Business at its MBA program options, visit