Leaders at Bauer College and Jones School Discuss the Importance of Earning an MBA

Leaders at the Bauer College of Business and Jones Graduate School recently lent their expertise to the Houston Chronicle on the proper steps to take to earn an MBA.
According to the Chronicle, there are many steps and considerations along the way, such as the entrance exam, knowledge of different types of MBA programs offered, as well as understanding what each student is seeking in obtaining their MBA. Obtaining answers to these questions early can help inform selection of the business school most appropriate for each students’ needs.
According to George Andrews, the associate dean of degree programs at Rice University’s Jones Graduate School, students can be proactive about their choice of university once they are past the entrance exam. “Create a conversation and learn about the application process. Ask questions. Some schools have an admissions counselor. It’s important to see alumni in the industry when they’re done,” he said.
Dalia Pineda, director of admissions and recruitment for graduate and professional programs at the University of Houston’s Bauer College of Business, discussed the importance of an MBA for a student’s growth in their career. “An MBA is a very specific degree that gives the breadth of business language and teaches management and leadership. It really brings in the networking, communication skills, and what it means to work well with others and a team. Everyone brings something to the classroom.”
George Andrews emphasizes the benefits of an MBA for any still unsure if they would like to pursue the degree. According to Andrews, an MBA provides a toolbox for which you can pull from in many different situations. It’s conceptual knowledge that you’ll be able to put into action and use day in and day out. It’s incredibly powerful in making you successful,” he said.