New Online Program for Career Development Increases Employment Opportunities at Hankamer School of Business

In addition to construction of the new Paul L. Foster Campus for Business and Innovation, students at Baylor University’s Hankamer School of Business are receiving a new program created by the Office of Career Management. The new program, called “Handshake”, will be a modern career services management platform offered only to students at the business school.
With a combination of features from leading social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn, Handshake makes it easy for students to connect with employers to jumpstart their careers. Students will have the opportunity to follow companies of interest, bookmark important items and connect with many professionals across various industries. The platform is offered on computers, smartphones and tablets so students are able to access the site on devices they use every day. The service additionally allows students to schedule meetings with the Career Management office, where they can practice mock job interviews or have their resume looked over.
Open only for a year, the Office of Career Management is completely dedicated to the success of business school students. All professionals working in the office were “hand-picked” for their roles based on industry experience and dedication. Kenneth Buckley, the Assistant Dean of Career Management, said: “We have a dedicated team [of people] for graduate and undergraduate students with unique career focused tools for students. We continually evaluate the job market, employer base and students’ career interests to insure we are giving our students the best chance to realize their career potential.”
Within only two weeks of the fall semester, Handshake offered over 279 job postings, 35 scheduled events and openings for 797 interviews.