Cameron School of Business Welcomes Global Business Professionals for Leadership Seminar

This fall, the Cameron School of Business at the University of St. Thomas welcomed business executives from Brazil and Angola for a business seminar lead by UST professors.
Taking place from September 7-9, the seminar gave the 22 global visitors the opportunity to earn about a wide variety of business issues, such as socially responsible business practices, global markets, and international finance. Other topics included accounting practices and cross-cultural issues of international management. Cameron faculty included Dr. David Schein, CSB Director of Graduate Programs, and Dr. Shuoyang Zhang, assistant professor at CSB.
The seminar included a lecture from Dr. Robert Ivany, president of UST, who discussed leadership principles in his speech.
Dr. Schein assisted in organizing the seminar and witnessed firsthand the positive visitor response following the event. Indeed, a post-seminar survey confirmed that visitors appreciated the opportunities the seminar offered for integration of various cultures. It also revealed a positive response to the seminar’s structure as well as the hospitality of CSB faculty.
UST came to host the seminar as the result of a Brazilian graduate student, who is connected with international universities.
According to Dr. Zhang, lecturing to these business professionals was a new and exciting experience. “As a professor, I have my own MBA students, but I was lecturing to business professionals. They were really attentive, professional and engaged,” she said “They have their own backgrounds in business so it was quite an experience discussing cultural differences and management styles in international markets—especially in emerging markets like Brazil.”