Fordham Gabelli Class Features Washington Trip

A trip to Washington, D.C., will highlight a financial regulation course being offered at Gabelli School of Business – Fordham University next spring semester.
The Regulatory Outreach for Student Education (ROSE) Program has been available previously but, for the spring 2016 semester, it becomes a for-credit course, according to a press release from the school.
The course is available to both undergraduate and graduate students who want to pursue careers in accounting, finance or compliance. It will emphasize real-world research and experience relating to the oversight of the U.S. financial services industry.
The class will meet 5:50-7:50 p.m. Wednesdays at Lincoln Center and feature industry experts as guest speakers, the school’s press release reports. The course will be taught by Chris Meyer, who previously served as the chief operating officer of an international algorithmic trading firm.
Previous participants in the ROSE Program have taken advantage of opportunities such as presenting to and meeting with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank during the Washington trip. According to the school’s press release: “The trip will mirror the type of day-trip that banking executives make regularly – catch an early train to D.C., meet with officials at places such as the Fed and the SEC, grab lunch and dinner when you can, and then catch a train back to New York.” The cost of the trip is covered for students, thanks to funding from Ed Blount, executive director of The Center for the Study of Financial Market Evolution.
ROSE Program participants have also been published on the website of the Financial Stability Board, an international monitoring body for the global finance system.