Fordham-Gabelli Professor Points to Lags in Big Data Use

The potential of big data analytics hasn’t been realized yet, a professor at Gabelli School of Business-Fordham University told The Economist’s Executive Education Navigator blog.
“Actually, the [business sectors] that have the potential to benefit the most from big data analytics are the ones lagging behind,” W. “R.P.” Raghupathi says in the blog post, giving the health-care industry as an example.
Raghupathi is a professor of information systems and director of the master of science in business analytics program. He is also director of Fordham’s Center for Digital Transformation. The center was created to be “the premier resource for information on the digital transformation of business and society.”
In the Executive Education Navigator blog post, Raghupathi says there is potential for both companies and individuals to emerge as leaders in big data analytics.
“Leaders need to be able to determine if there is value in doing big data analysis projects, to see how it will contribute to the value chain,” Raghupathi says.
Gabelli’s Full-Time Cohort MBA Program offers a major in information systems that includes coursework in big data analytics.
Raghupathi has also offered a two-day course called Big Data Analytics For Executives, according to a press release from the school. Raghupathi told the Executive Education Navigator blog that his course includes hands-on exercises, guest speakers and a discussion of data governance, all with the goal of helping leaders answer the questions, “Will it (big data analytics) address our needs? Will it answer our questions?” Visit Gabelli’s Executive Education program website to see its latest offerings on data and technology.