Considering an MBA Internship in London?

Your MBA internship is pretty important. How important? Well, highly ranked London Business School puts it this way:
How you spend the summer of your first year (June-September) could define your career, so make it count.
Many London metro MBA offerings and others throughout Europe run for one year only, which can make an internship hard to squeeze in. But if you’re interested in a longer-running UK MBA program like LBS‘ or dream of gaining some work experience across the pond while you complete a U.S. MBA program, it’s a good idea to get to know London’s MBA internship opportunities as well as how your target schools can help you gain the experience you want.
You can make an MBA internship count in many different ways, including building your skills or widening your network. But unlike many other types of internships, an MBA internship can also count financially, so you don’t have to wait until graduation to start seeing some ROI for the cost of your degree. In August, Business Insider reported on Glassdoor’s statistics about the companies that pay UK interns the most. The top of the list probably won’t surprise you:
5) Goldman Sachs,
3) Bank of America,
1) Microsoft.
An MBA internship opportunity can take on nontraditional forms, too. LBS’s Summer Consulting Programme picks six to eight MBA students each summer to provide consulting to a variety of clients. LBS also offers an internship alternative for aspiring business founders: Entrepreneurship Summer School.