Ted Rogers School Launches 1st National Institute on Ageing

The Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University launched the first National Institute on Ageing (NIA). The institute will focus on practical, actionable, and innovative approaches to the financial and health aspects of aging.
The new institute was launched in partnership with the City of Toronto, Sinai Health System, Ontario Gerontology Association, and the International Federation on Aging. The reason for the launch is the fact that Canada is aging quickly and that, in the next two decades, the number of older Canadians will double.
In a media release from the Ted Rogers School, Dean Steven Murphy spoke about the new initiative. “Ryerson University is known for making a difference in areas that touch real people. The Ted Rogers School of Management is proud to launch the NIA at a time when Canadian demographics will call upon us to be innovative in how we rethink aging,” said Dean Murphy. “To keep pace, Canada will need to tap into the skills of its aging population and grapple with major lifestyle issues including pensions and health. The next decade will see unprecedented change in how we view aging, and we are well suited to lead this conversation.”
The NIA is Canada’s first academic-based institute focused on ageing and helping seniors become prepared to lead healthy, financially independent lives. The goals of the new institute are four-fold:
- To create programs that enhance research on ageing issues including retirement compensation, pensions, financial literacy, health management, age-friendly cities and communities.
- To explore innovation and technology that supports home-based and community-care.
- To contribute to the public dialogue on age-related topics.
- To deliver executive education for the pension and health sectors.
The World Health Organization (WHO) will celebrate the launch of NIA while announcing that the City of Toronto will be the latest global city to be awarded the status of a WHO designated Age-Friendly City. Both NIA and WHO’s designation speaks to the city’s commitment to helping seniors. The WHO will be supporting the launch of the NIA with a series of workshops at Ted Rogers School.