
Wilfrid Laurier Ranked as 2nd Best School in Canada for Entreprenership

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In a new study by and presented by HuffPost, Wilfrid Laurier University was ranked as the second-best Canadian University for entrepreneurship. The study interviewed over 1,000 students and asked them to rate their schools based on a variety of areas.

WLU Toronto received its ranking thanks to the Laurier LaunchPad, an incubator that provides unparalleled support, mentorship, and resources to startups founded by Laurier students and alumni. The LaunchPad provides dedicated workspace, free of charge, to Laurier startups and has two focuses:

Beyond the LaunchPad, WLU Toronto is a leader in the field of entrepreneurship education and “startup” culture on campus. Already, many Laurier students and alumni have achieved outstanding success with several investor-funded and successfully operating businesses.

Bishop’s University came in at number one in the study, due to the Dobson-Lagassé Entrepreneurship Centre, and Queen’s University came in just behind at #3 for its Centre for Business Venturing.

The interviewed students across 55+ evaluation areas on everything from student residences to libraries and study space, dining, and support. For overall rankings, Queen’s University took home the #1 slot followed by Bishop’s University and McGill University in second and third place, respectively.

Wilfrid Laurier University took home eighth place, overall. Wilfrid ranked best in extra-curriculars, academics, and overall advocacy. Also, on the list was McMaster University coming it at #7. McMaster ranked best in student and school culture, overall advocacy, and extra-curriculars.

To see the full ranking of universities in Canada, visit the website.

About the Author    

Kelly Vo is a writer who specializes in covering MBA programs, digital marketing, and personal development.

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