Mays School Hosts Conference for Women in Information Technology

The 17th annual Women in Information Technology Conference took place in the Memorial Student Center at the Texas A&M University – Mays Business School in March.
The conference was hosted by the Center for the Management of Information Systems (CMIS) at Mays Business School, centered around the theme of “Big Data”. The conference focused on the way we collect, process and analyzed data, as well as how consumers can benefit from data collection.
At the front of the room, conference attendees could see an empty red chair, symbolizing an invitation for men and women to “sit” and discuss the need to diversity the technology industry. Attendees, which included a mix of current students from Mays and other nearby schools, CMIS advisory board members and MIS professionals. Roughly 144 people in total were encouraged to think of ways to promote women in technology. CMIS board members, who sponsored the event along with Goldman Sachs, represented a wide range of companies, including GM, Shell, ExxonMobil, Deloitte and Southwest Airlines.
Three keynote addresses were presented at the event from: John Krajicek, Mays executive professor/assistant director of communication studies; Kristen Dearing, senior vice president of Marketing and Sales Alliances at Brierley and Partners; and Neera Talbert, director of Microsoft. Also included were panel discussions of CMIS board members and former MIS students revolving around “Women’s Strengths in Business’.
The conference also included a presentation of three scholarships to Texas A&M students, as well as numerous prizes and gift cards given to attendees as awards. The event was planned by MIS students, faculty and staff alongside the Texas A&M student organization Women in IT.