MIT Sloan School’s New Logo Results in Lawsuit

This article originally appeared in its entirety on
Cambridge, MA (Knight-Ridder)—Earlier this week, the MIT Sloan School of Management unveiled a new logo designed to bring the school’s “MIT brand” to the fore. “After extensive study and collaborative effort, the logo was designed to reflect the smart, open, grounded and inventive nature of the school,” read an official statement from the school. “One of the distinguishing ways that MIT stands apart from its peer schools is through our relationship with the Institute—a world-class research institution.”
Within hours of the new logo’s debut, a lawsuit was filed by the letter ‘I’. In a tersely worded statement, the letter ‘I’ explained: “I’ve essentially been airbrushed out of the picture here. Since when is ‘Institute’ less important than ‘Massachusetts’ or ‘Technology’? To put it bluntly, those words are simply meaningless without me. As if that’s not insult enough, the fading, Back to the Future‒style memory of me is barely standing upright in this logo. What, am I drunk? Let me be very clear here—actually, no—let me be highly opaque!”