
Saïd Business School MBAs Explore Digital Transformation in NYC


MBA students from Saïd Business School of the University of Oxford recently traveled to New York City to explore trends in digital transformation, specifically in marketing, advertising and media.

New York provided a perfect venue for the 56 MBAs during this elective one-week course module.

The students visited fifteen companies including Mashable, The New York Times, Blue State Digital, L’Oreal, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where they were given the opportunity to share their knowledge with executives in areas such as innovation in mobile marketing, the power of social media, and new strategies in mobile marketing.

In addition to these visits, the group also met with the City of New York’s Chief Digital Officer, Jessica Singleton.

Saïd student Justine Gamez noted:

 “Given the fast paced nature of the city and innovative perspectives from business leaders headquartered in NY, we are learning directly from companies about their digital strategies and how they have adapted. Each and every company emphasizes the importance of digital, not just in marketing, but for the overall value of the company… [We] are being exposed to varied industries from the public and private sectors. The week is a fantastic experience, and I am gaining insights, and establishing connections, with those individuals who are disrupting the digital environment to shape our personal experiences.”

The course was run by L’Oreal Professor of Marketing at Saïd Andrew Stephen and Associate Professor Rhonda Hadi.


About the Author

Maggie Boccella

Maggie Boccella, a lifelong resident of Philadelphia, is a freelance writer, artist and photographer. She has consulted on various film and multimedia projects, and she also serves as a juror for the city's annual LGBTQIA Film Festival.

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