Cass Business School MBA Raises Funds for Pestalozzi International Village Trust (PIVT)

An MBA candidate at City University London’s Cass Business School has embarked upon a fundraising campaign for the Pestalozzi International Village Trust (PIVT).
Victoria Shin (MBA, 2017) and a team of classmates will trek the mountains of Patagonia in August 2016 with the goal of supporting the worthy efforts of the PIVT.
The organization provides scholarships to students aged 16-19 from Bhutan, India, Belize, Tibet, and Nepal, among other countries. Selected students travel to East Sussex where they engage in both academic and extra-curricular programs. In its mission statement, the Trust states its intent as “producing globally conscious young leaders by supporting their education… in a multi-cultural, multi-faith environment… [We] inspire young people to make a change in the world.”
Alumni of the Trust have gone on to pursue studies at Yale, Harvard, Oxford and MIT, in addition to returning to their countries of origin to support development efforts. Others have gone on to pursue careers focused on social impact at the global level.
One student, Uddhav Sharma, went to MIT after completing the program. During his time at PIVT, he developed a project that implemented sustainable farming systems in his rural community in Nepal. His goal was to generate enough profit through the farm to fund the creation of a computer lab in his community’s primary school.
For his efforts, Sharma earned a $10,000 Davis Peace Fellowship.
Shin, who is pursuing her Cass MBA in Real Estate, was recently elected to the PIVT’s Board of Trustees. Her team of five Cass classmates will set out on the trek well prepared, anticipating sub-zero Patagonian conditions.