Mays Professor Named “Women of the Year” in International Business

A professor of management at the Texas A&M University – Mays Business School was recently awarded with the “Woman of the Year” award from the Women in the Academy of International Business (WAIB).
The WAIB acts as a special interest group within the Academy of International Business, utilizing networking, discussion and research to support female talent across the globe. In the 15 years since its founding at the AIB annual meeting in Sydney, Australia, the group has garnered more than 800 members worldwide.
Lorraine Eden, associate professor from the Department of Management at Mays Business, was chosen unanimously by the WAIB executive board. Each year, the board selects a female scholar to recognize in honor of her commitment to the WAIB and AIB, as well as for high-quality research in international business. Currently, Eden holds the Gina and Anthony Bahr ‘91 Professorship in Business in the Department of Management and teaches classes on Transfer Pricing, Economics of International Business, Multinational Enterprises.
Eden has had a long history of involvement in the AIB, including acting as track chair at the 1998 Vienna meetings, Program Chair of the 2002 Puerto Rico meetings, and AIB Vice President between 2000-2002. In 2012, Eden received the AIB President’s Award for her work within the international business field. This award also follows Eden’s appointment as president of the AIB board.
“I am honored and humbled to receive this award. You could knock me over with a feather when I found out about it!” Eden said. “I’m not sure I have done anything to deserve this, but I am delighted to have been selected.”