SPU Veterans Receive Considerable University Assistance

SPU has always been a military-friendly school with countless resources for veterans. Now, during the summer months, they want to make sure their incoming SPU veterans have all the information and resources they need for a great experience.
For Veterans and Their Families
SPU offers two unique programs to help veterans cover the cost of their tuition.
- Post 9/11 GI Bill: This program helps veterans pay for up to 36 months of continuous, full-time education at SPU. Benefits can include a percentage of tuition coverage as well as a housing allowance.
- Yellow Ribbon: SPU is a proud participant in the Yellow Ribbon program, which covers additional costs of schooling not covered by the GI Bill or the VA. The Yellow Ribbon program can provide students up to $16,000 per year for tuition and other expenses.
SPU Veterans can also contact the VA for up to $1,000 per year for books and supplies.
To learn more about the various benefits available, visit the SPU Veterans Resources page and check out the other “chapter” programs available for veterans, spouses, and children
SPU Veterans on Campus
To assist their incoming veterans, SPU offers a variety of on-campus contacts for more information.
- Military and Veterans Support Club: This club organizes community outreach events, learning and scholarship opportunities, and more. Veterans are invited to join.
- Vet Corps Navigator: If you need help navigating the many opportunities available for SPU veterans, contact Daniel McConnell at mcconnelld@spu.edu.
- Student Financial Services Coordinator: To discover the many VA benefits available to you, contact Kevin McKinney, mckink4@spu.edu.
- Veterans Certifying Official: Kelly Knapp, kknapp@spu.edu, will certify and monitor your enrollment and academic process.
For a full list of academic services for veterans, visit this link.