Foster Ranked #24 Best Business & Economics Program Worldwide

A new ranking completed by The Best Schools reviewed business and economics programs from around the world to find the top 100 best programs. The ranking looked at schools with the best faculty and most well-established alumni, as well as looking at which school were most likely to land a graduate a job at the Federal Reserve or managing a Fortune 500 company.
English-speaking countries including the U.S., Britain, and Canada dominated the top 50 schools. However, other top-ranking programs came from China, the Netherlands, Singapore, Germany, and more. The purpose of the ranking was to find first-class business and economics education using subjective and objective factors.
For the ranking, The Best Schools turned to the Center for World Class Universities, which specializes in ranking universities as well as individual programs of study. From that baseline, the ranking identified the top 100 programs and revealed why each school deserved its placement.
Harvard University came out on top followed closely by the University of Chicago and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Other schools that made the top ten included the University of California-Berkeley, Columbia University, and Stanford University. The University of Washington Foster School of Business came in at #24.
The Foster School is known for educating over 2,500 students each year with various undergraduate studies, MBA programs, and Ph.D. programs. As a University, it accepts 54,000 students annually, offering over 1,800 undergraduate courses at 16 Schools and Colleges. In particular, the Foster School ranked highly thanks to the 3,000 alumni who have founded companies and the numerous centers and research and advancement programs available.
For MBAs, the Foster School offers a variety of options for study including a Full-Time MBA, Evening MBA, Executive MBA, Global Executive MBA, and Technology Management MBA. The Economist, Bloomberg Businessweek, Financial Times, and the U.S. News & World Report have ranked these programs top in the world and the U.S.