
George Washington School of Business Faculty Publishes New Research

George Washington School of Business Faculty

Many faculty members at the George Washington School of Business are also respected members of the academic and research communities. Aside from teaching the next batch of business leaders, many professors also dedicate their time to learning more about the concepts, sciences and principles they are so passionate about. Here are just a few of the school’s standout faculty and their recent work:

Jennifer J. Griffin, Professor of Strategic Management and Public Policy

Dr. Jennifer J. Griffin is a professor of strategic management & public policy, the director of the global strategies program at GW’s Institute for Corporate Responsibility and former department chair. She teaches the concepts of corporate strategy, business & public policy, corporate impacts and corporate social responsibility at all levels of learning (executive, doctoral, graduate and undergraduate). She received her B.Sci degree from ISU earned a MBA and DBA in strategy & policy from Boston University. Recently, she:

William C. Handorf, Professor of Finance

According to his profile, Handorf teaches corporate financial management and modeling, financial institution management and modeling, financial markets and financial management at GWSB. He earned his Bachelor’s and MBA at the University of Michigan, and soon-after Michigan State for his Ph.D. His recent works include:

  • Published “Commercial Real Estate and Equity REIT Investment Returns” in Real Estate Review (Volume 44, Number 4, Winter 2015), pp. 3-13.

George Solomon, Professor of Management and Co-Director of the Center For Entrepreneurial Excellence

Dr. Solomon, along with teaching management courses and co-directing the Center of Entrepreneurial Excellence, serves as editor-in-chief of the Journal of Small Business Management. He was previously the president of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) and the International Council for Small Business (ICSB). Established in 2005, the Center For Entrepreneurial Excellence empowers entrepreneurs by integrating academic objectives within GW’s business community. Solomon earned his MBA from Suffolk University. Recently, he:

  • Co-authored a research paper, “Early-stage of Innovations: Selection System Criteria For Funding Biotech SMEs” with Dr. Pradeep Rau, chairman of the GWSB department of marketing, and Dr. Mary Schoonmaker, assistant professor, Western New England University. The paper has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Small Business Management.

Read the complete list of published work from GWSB professors here.


About the Author

Max Pulcini

Max Pulcini is a Philadelphia-based writer and reporter. He has an affinity for Philly sports teams, Super Smash Bros. and cured meats and cheeses. Max has written for Philadelphia-based publications such as Spirit News, Philadelphia City Paper, and Billy Penn, as well as national news outlets like The Daily Beast.

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