UST Students Inspired by Business Professionals at Cameron Career Day

A recent Career Day event at the University of St. Thomas – Cameron School of Business gave students the opportunity to hear from and meet directly with industry leaders and UST alumni, showcasing just how far a Cameron degree can take you.
This year’s Career Day was hosted by Cameron and the University’s Career Services, offering students access to a number of professional speakers and panelists. The event was opened with remarks from keynote speaker Alex Howard, current Managing Director in the Valuation & Financial Opinions Group at Stout, Risius and Ross. In his address, Howard emphasized the importance of confidence and practicality as students enter the career force. He encouraged students to build support networks and take advantage of mentorship opportunities.
Following the keynote address, students at the opportunity to attend a variety of panels representing a number of business professionals and UST Alumni. The panels covered industries ranging from accounting and finance to marketing, economics and international business.
Following the event, a reception was held to give students an opportunity for networking.
According to Cameron Dean, Dr. Beena George, the event is meant to provide students with a highly important opportunity to engage with industry leaders. Career Day is also meant to allow students to see what it looks like to obtain success within their chosen fields, helping them to set realistic career goals.
MBA student Tiffany Burton commented on her experience attending the Human Resources panel session, where she said she gained a deeper appreciation of the opportunities available to her in the field. “I … got good information about useful certificates that could help accelerate my career,” she said. “I would love to attend next year’s event, either as a panelist or as a spectator,” she added. “It would be good if current and future UST graduates could help support and promote such an incredibly beneficial event like Career Day.”