
The Best Nonprofit MBA Programs in Los Angeles

Best Los Angeles Nonprofit MBA

Many believe that business is inherently selfish. However, there are a plethora of nonprofit organizations that could not exist without the skills of talented administrators, dedicated solely to the business and financial aspects of the company. MBA skills are coveted in the nonprofit industry, as they can make a massive contribution to helping the organization thrive.

Many MBA programs take into account the need for overlap in business and social change. Below, we’ve laid out three of the best Los Angeles programs for MBAs looking to pursue nonprofit work.

The 3 Best Los Angeles Nonprofit MBA Programs

Anderson School of Management—UCLA

The UCLA Anderson School of Management MBA program offers a specialization in Social Impact for students hoping to use their business acumen to have a positive influence on their community, both locally and globally. This program provides ample opportunities for students to better parts of the world through innovation and creative problem-solving, positioning them to pursue a career in the nonprofit arena, if that is their goal.

International Field Study Projects are an integral part of the nonprofit learning experience. For their second year Capstone Projects, all Anderson MBA students can choose to pursue the Applied Management Research (AMR) program. The AMR Projects give students a chance to work with companies and nonprofits to solve a strategic problem. Many of the AMR Projects help struggling communities. In 2017, a group of students tackled building a model to improve screening and treatment of non-communicable diseases to a rural village in South Africa.

SEE ALSO: “The Most Affordable Los Angeles MBA Programs”

Marshall School of Business—USC

Marshall School of Business at USC partnered with Zelikow School of Jewish Nonprofit Management at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion to provide students with the chance to obtain a dual degree (MBA/M.A.) in Business Administration and Jewish Nonprofit Management. The M.A. emphasizes both nonprofit management and Jewish studies. This challenging track requires 88 units of coursework as well as two years of fieldwork. Students in this program can take a 12-month internship in Sacramento, CA or Washington DC while continuing to attend classes in these areas. This track is ideal for students pursuing a career in the Jewish nonprofit sector, and includes classes like Nonprofit Management and Leadership and Grant Writing Practicum.

Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management—Claremont Graduate University

The Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management dual degree in Public Health and Business Administration is an excellent option for students seeking a career in the nonprofit healthcare field. This MBA/MPH allows students to combine business acumen with an exhaustive knowledge of the intricacies of public health over the course of three years. Though this program does not exist exclusively to educate students in the nonprofit sector, the combination of healthcare and business education makes these grads a perfect fit for health care-related nonprofit work. Students will also benefit from the knowledge of professors like Jay Prag, Ph.D., who serves on the board of directors at LINC Housing, a nonprofit low-income housing developer, and whose research often delves into the nonprofit world. This program will enable students to use business skills to increase the effectiveness of healthcare institutions in their communities, as well as internationally.


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