Chicago Booth Launches New Capitalisn’t Podcast

Since Mark Maron’s WTF and the mystery thriller Serial launched into the pop culture lexicon, the podcast went from a niche medium to a common part people’s weekday commute. Capitalisn’t—the new podcast from the Stigler Center at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business—explores what is and isn’t working in capitalism today
The podcast is hosted by Luigi Zingales, Chicago Booth professor of finance and faculty director of the Stigler Center, and Kate Waldock, assistant professor of finance at Georgetown University. Segments focus on how to make the best of the capitalist society we live in, and debate between the good and the bad of capitalism.
“We will explore the risk of concentration in social media, whether tax cuts help the economy, and how the way we invest our retirement money can hurt us as consumers,” Zingales told the Booth School. “In sum, we will explore what is working today in capitalism and—most importantly—what isn’t. Hence, the title of the podcast: Capitalisn’t.”
The first episode was posted on earlier this month, and featured a discussion on whether Facebook is a monopoly. Upcoming episodes with feature topics such whether a college education is a good investment, the recent U.S. tax reform, and why market power can distort incentives.
New episode of Capitalisn’t will air twice a month. It is produced at the Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State in collaboration with Chicago Booth Review. You can find the podcast online, and on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and Google Play.
Here’s a video trailer for the podcast:
Nobel laureate George J. Stigler founded the Center for the Study of the Economy and the State at the University of Chicago in 1977. The Center has been a joint enterprise of economists and legal scholars at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Department of Economics, and the Law School. The Stigler Center was renamed in George Stigler’s memory after his death in 1991.