How Woman Can Close the Pay Raise Negotiation Gap, and More – Chicago News

Let’s explore some of the most interesting stories that have emerged from Chicago business schools this week.
Are You Willing to Stretch the Truth While Negotiating? – Kellogg Insight
Research trends have found that men are more willing to lower personal ethical standards during negotiations than women when it comes to pay raise negotiation.
However, a new study from Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management‘s Maryam Kouchaki, Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations, finds that there’s a situation that throws a wrench in the works: “when women negotiate on behalf of others.”
Kouchaki and her UC Berkeley co-author Laura Kray write:
“A woman who is negotiating on behalf of someone else will lie at roughly the same rate as her male counterpart. But, if she is negotiating on her own behalf, she is much less likely to deceive. Women in advocacy roles [get] as much done as men.”
You can read more about Kouchaki’s pay raise negotiation research here.
Will EU Migrants Pay Their Fair Share of Taxes? – Chicago Booth News
The Chicago Booth Initiative on Global Markets surveyed its European Economic Experts Panel, which is comprised of “50 economists and top researchers,” about whether recent European migrants are likely to “contribute more in taxes paid than they receive in benefits and public services.”
LSE’s Daniel Sturm writes, “Being younger and typically better educated, their [the migrants’] fiscal contribution tends to be positive as suggested by recent research for the U.K.”
Goethe University Frankfurt’s Jan Pieter Krahnen agrees:
“As [the] employment rate among migrants goes up over time, and much of taxation is indirect anyway, chances are that the statement comes true.”
Director of the European IGM Panel Christian Leuz is less optimistic. “[It is] too early to tell. Labor market outcomes are often worse for [a] long time. Demographics are [a] plus. Much depends on fast integration into [the] labor market.”
You can read more from the panel’s discussion here.
Faculty and Students Team Up with Northern Illinois Food Bank – Quinlan School of Business News
Loyola University Quinlan School of Business’ Urban Social Benefit Incubator teamed up with the Northern Illinois Food Bank to develop a “new system for serving its families” to replace the precarious first-come, first-served process it currently employs.
Quinlan is proposing “an online ordering system that allows for pick-up at strategic locations in the community, such as a grocery store.”
Harry Haney, Associate Director of Quinlan’s Supply and Value Chain Center, who is helping spearhead the initiative, writes:
“It’s important to us to serve nonprofits and social enterprises to help make a difference in the community. Plus, our students are learning the real-world side of business and gaining additional educational exposure.”
You can read more about Loyola’s food bank initiative here.