MBA Recruiter: Starting Your MBA Career with Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems, a leader in computer networking, is constantly looking for MBA talent. Founded in 1984 by two computer scientists from Stanford University who sought an easier way to connect different types of computer systems, the multinational corporation now hires MBAs from top business school across the country. Continue reading…
Seattle University Helps Entrepreneurs in Bangalore

To encourage and develop Bangalore entrepreneurs, Seattle University and Kanara Entrepreneurs (KE) Global entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the St. Joseph’s Institute of Management (SJIM). The agreement is one in a series of programs that SJIM has implemented to help their students become equipped with more industry-ready skills and experience. As part of the MoU, students will attend workshops, conferences, seminars and other activities. Continue reading…
Stanford Ignite Program Returns to Bangalore

Stanford University Graduate School of Business will return to Bangalore with the Stanford Ignite program March 6 through May 24, 2015. Stanford Ignite is an 11-week certificate program for innovators and entrepreneurial thinkers.
The program is designed to deliver the same highly personal and immersive instruction that executives and students at Stanford experience. It is aimed at technical professionals, innovators and entrepreneurs with no previous graduate management education. The program is also appropriate for non-business graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, engineers and scientists.