BC Exec. Director Named to Education Fellows

Thaly Germain, executive director of the Carroll School of Management, has been named to the 2014 Pahara-Aspen Education Fellows program. The program identifies education leaders who use diverse and innovative approaches to ensure all students have quality learning opportunities available to them.
BC Student Offers Advice for Applying

BC Carroll School of Management student Chris Anselmo, MBA ’16, shares his advice for prospective MBA students. In his blog post, he shares his own experience with the application process. Anselmo writes:
“As I write this blog post, I can’t help but think back to this time last year. I was frantically studying for the GMAT, and was living and dying on the result of every practice test. I was taking a prep class on Tuesday nights while working a full day and would me home exhausted. Sleep was elusive. Flash cards were never far away.
BC Ranked No. 31 by US News & World Report

Boston College maintained its ranking of no. 31 among national universities in the 2015 US News & World Report survey. The University was supported by high marks in admission selectivity, graduation rates and alumni giving, as well as a continued strong assessment from high school guidance counselors.