UMD Smith School Issues 14th Annual Summer Reading List

Each year, faculty and administrators from the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business puts out a list of their favorite books in the “Top-10 Summer Reading List for Business Leaders” for 2017.
Booth Professor Debunks Idea That Two Heads Are Better Than One

The phrase “two heads are better than one” is a popular one in the realms of business, government and daily life, the thinking being that when individuals work together in group scenaros the outcome is better than solo work. But in their new book, “WISER: Getting Beyond Groupthink to Make Groups Smarter,” authors Reid Hastie, a professor of behavioral science at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and Cass Sunstein, a professor at Harvard Law School, turn this age-old thinking on its head (or both of heads?), explaining that in fact group decisions are actually flawed much of the time. Continue reading…