Building Your Bayer Career with an MBA

The pharmaceutical and biotech industries are rife with opportunities for b-school students. Competition among brands and rapid technological development make can make having an MBA an exceptionally worthwhile advantage.
The Best Marketing MBAs in Chicago

Technology has shifted the face of marketing faster than the speed of a tap on a touchscreen, and even the best marketing MBAs have to keep up with the dizzying pace. Social media and big data surround us to such an extent that in a way, anyone who is a consumer has also become a marketer.
A decision to pursue a marketing MBA brings with it the challenge to remain competitive and aware of this ever evolving landscape. In the Windy City there are a wealth of options for pursuit of a marketing MBA. Following is a glimpse at some of the metro’s offerings.
A Closer Look: Marketing MBAs in New York City

MBAs who decide to specialize in marketing have a wealth of options in a data-driven world. Analytics, social media and the ever evolving power of branding have permeated our daily experience, opening doors for graduates that didn’t exist even a decade ago.
For prospective Marketing MBAs, the New York metro area is clearly a top destination. The city holds endless possibilities as one of the world’s epicenters of commerce and culture, and an education there will yield a network that is beyond comparison. Following is a look at some of the options if a marketing MBA in the New York region is on your radar.