Booth EMBA Ranked as Best in the World

According to a ranking by Poets & Quants, Booth School of Business offers the world’s top EMBA program. The Chicago-based program moved up from No. 2, trumping the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, which held the No. 1 spot for the past three years. Booth’s metro neighbor, Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, retained its No. 3 position. Continue reading…
Mason EMBA Program Introducing New Critical Infrastructure Track

George Mason University’s School of Business will be introducing a Critical Infrastructure Protection and Management track as part of its Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) program starting Spring Semester 2015, the first of its kind in the country. Continue reading…
The George Mason Global Residency Experience

George Mason School of Business students who traveled to Beijing, China for the school’s online EMBA ’14 residency left with lasting memories of company visits, food, historical sites, even the smog. Continue reading…
Fox School to Move Executive MBA to Center City

The Executive MBA program at the Fox School of Business has called the Philadelphia suburbs home for nearly 30 years, but in that time Center City Philadelphia and executive education have each undergone a renaissance. In keeping with the evolution of both, the Fox School Executive MBA program is moving to a downtown location. The Executive MBA program will now be located at The HUB at Commerce Square, an innovative executive meeting facility at 20th and Market streets.
Cable Executive Shares Leadership Insights for CEO Lecture Series at Rutgers Business School

At a recent Rutgers Business School CEO Lecture series event, Eric Tveter, chief executive of UPC Cablecom, and Rutgers MBA ’97, offered the crowd of students his unique take on leadership.
When, in 2009, the 55-year-old executive was tapped to turn around the fortunes of UPC Cablecom, a Swiss cable company, Tveter said that the five C’s of management – communication, culture, commitment, collaboration and customer – guided his efforts to bring the company back on track.
“Commitment is doing what you say you’re going to do,” he said. “We set realistic goals. We under promised and over delivered.” For Tveter, an American taking the helm of a troubled company in Switzerland where the public has a natural tendency to be skeptical, commitment proved to be particularly vital. “You’re not known by the commitments you make,” he added. “You’re known by the commitments you keep.” Continue reading…
Rutgers Business School Honors Founding Director of the Executive MBA Program

Rutgers Business School Professor Emeritus Philip Shaak, the founding director of the Rutgers Executive MBA program, was honored on April 4 during an EMBA luncheon at Rutgers Business School.
Shaak, who once served as an associate dean, said he looks back at EMBA as the most exciting period of his career. “I really liked teaching and that was the most exciting teaching time for me,” he said. “I was extremely fortunate in my career.”
Rutgers current EMBA director, professor Farrokh Langdana, said that he and Assistant Dean Kathleen Connelly Harmon were “honored to be part of (Shaak’s) legacy to RBS.”
“Kathleen and I have often told Professor Shaak that the Rutgers Executive MBA Program has been able to garner all of its global rankings because it was built on the shoulders of giants, such as Phil Shaak and his team,” Langdana said.
During the event, Professor Shaak took some time to talk about EMBA’s early days, the program’s growth and his time at RBS. He described the beginning of the program in 1987, when a tremendous marketing effort was required, and compared it to the ease of attracting candidates today, based on the success and high rankings the program has achieved, as well as the quality of the faculty and teaching. Shaak emphasized that he and his team were able to attract very bright, professional students who were coming back to school after many years of substantive professional experience, and that created a collaborative learning environment for the program. According the Shaak, “One of the key parts of EMBA is it’s not simply a sterile academic exercise. There’s a blending of the academic world with the real world of business. That blending is what makes the program so successful.”