The Top Healthcare MBA Programs in California
The California healthcare industry is booming. The industry employs more than 1.4 million people across ambulatory settings, hospitals, and residential care facilities. And as the population continues to age, there’s no doubt that the healthcare industry will continue to expand.
So, it should come as no surprise that an MBA in healthcare is becoming a more popular track for future business leaders. With the industry estimated to be worth $2.26 trillion, there are many opportunities across the board. The key is to choose the right healthcare MBA.
Here are our top six California Healthcare MBA programs:
Getting Paid: Highest MBA Salaries in San Francisco
San Franciso means many things to many people. Equal parts counter-cultural mecca, ground zero tech hub, haven for diversity, and real estate development nightmare, SF conjures images of Silicon Valley introverts and Haight-Ashbury hippies, as well as the high-earning Facebook employees who displace them.