The Best Business Schools for a Career in Project Management

Broadly defined by the Project Management Institute, project management is “the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques … to meet a project’s requirements.”
A successful project comes to fruition only with the leadership of someone who is trained in time management, resource allocation, negotiation, conflict resolution, and budget planning. These are all skills one can acquire with a project management focused MBA. Continue reading…
What Are The Best Washington DC Real Estate MBA Programs?

The U.S. capital, Washington DC, boasts one of the hottest real estate markets in the world. Several variables combine to make this market so interesting, such as a highly affluent and highly transient population, as well as height restrictions on its buildings (so that no building exceeds the height of the Washington Monument), which limits density-related housing shortages. These factors combined with the city’s convenient location on the 95 corridor make DC metro the perfect location for MBA’s looking for a future in real estate.
Below, we’ve laid out three of our favorite Washington DC real estate MBA programs.
The Best Washington DC Real Estate MBA Programs
University of Maryland R.H. Smith School of Business
Students at the University of Maryland’s Smith School of Business (known more affectionately as UMD Smith) can pursue a dual MBA and Masters of Real Estate Development (MRED). Grads carry our their MBA at Smith, and fulfill their MRED requirements via evening classes at the school’s central campus at College Park. The 74-credit dual degree can be completed in two or two and a half years, and involves 42 MBA credits and 32 MRED credits.

The 74-credit MBA/MRED dual degree at UMD Smith sets up real estate hopefuls with a unique skillset.
The MBA/MRED imbues students with more than a bottom line view of their industry. According to the school, the MRED curriculum focuses on “economic viability, environmental respect, social responsibility, and beautiful design.” These elements of the MRED combined with the business acumen gleaned from an MBA education pave the way for well-rounded industry leaders.
McDonough School of Business – Georgetown University
Georgetown McDonough MBA’s benefit from access to the Steers Center for Global Real Estate, which provides students with the resources they need to acquire a nuanced understanding of global real estate. MBA’s with a bent toward real estate can take one class for each of the four quadrants in real estate teaching: public equity, public debt, private equity, and private debt. They can also take the four additional modules within the Real Estate Clinic, which exposes students to live real estate transactions in U.S. markets. The clinic gives students the opportunity to underwrite investments being considered by commercial real estate firms.
George Mason University School of Business
For prospective real estate MBA’s in search of a program built to accommodate school/life balance, the George Mason University School of Business offers an MBA with a real estate emphasis. After MBA’s complete their core classes, they must complete 15 elective credits, which they can individually tailor to their own preferences. George Mason is an ideal option for those with full time jobs or family obligations, in pursuit of a higher degree that will not force them to neglect MBA other full-time commitments. Students can choose to complete their MBA on campus or online, depending on their preference and what their schedule permits. The flexibility of this program does not negate the impact of the degree. In fact, 98 percent of the class of 2017 was employed by graduation.

The George Mason hybrid MBA, which can specialize in real estate, yields an astounding 98 percent employment rate by graduation.
The Fastest MBAs You Can Earn in Washington DC

There’s no doubt that earning an MBA is a serious commitment. Not only do you have to be willing to take time away from your friends, family, and work, but you also have to set aside a decent chunk of change. When time is money, and you want to give up as little as possible, many individuals decide that an MBA isn’t for them. However, that doesn’t have to be the case.
If you don’t have 24 months to earn an MBA, don’t worry. One-year MBAs and similar shortened programs have been cropping up more and more often lately. In fact, there are many MBA programs throughout the Washington DC area that will help you earn your MBA in less than two years.