Fox Offers Admission Decision in 24 Hours

The Fox School of Business at Temple University is offering applicants an opportunity to receive an admissions decision before the first deadline. The Fox Decision day offers students interested in the Global MBA program, who have completed their application by Nov. 3, 2014 the chance to receive a decision by the admissions office by Nov. 10, 11 or 12, 2014.
Applicants must complete the entire application for the Fox School by Nov. 3, 2014 in order to receive an invitation to attend the Decision Day event. The event will give applicants the opportunity to complete an admissions interview on sight and receive a decision within 24 hours. During the event, prospective students will also be able to sit in on a live Global MBA class with current students, Meet with some of Fox’s world-class faculty, spend one-on-one time with the school’s no. 1 ranked career services and professional development team, access pre-first round scholarships and attend exclusive events and activities with alumni and current students.