Apr 6, 2016

MBATube Killed the SEO Star

MBATUBE homepage

It feels positively Philip K. Dick-esque to think that from the mid-20th century until roughly 5-10 years into the new millennium, moving images delivered across cathode ray televisions were the medium de rigeur to communicate information to a large audience.

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Oct 15, 2015

Preparing for MBA Recruitment Before You Apply

As the MBA interview season kicks off, so does the MBA recruitment season for full-time MBA students entering their second year. While you may only be in the MBA application stage, it’s important to prepare yourself for the future before you ever enter a program. Heading into your MBA program with the right expectations about recruitment and how it will work for you is the best preparation you can make for your future. Recruitment will be a large part of the second half of your full-time MBA program and by preparing for it from the start, you’ll have a better chance of successfully gaining employment at the firm and in the industry you want. Continue reading…

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Sep 3, 2015

How To Make Sure Your Job Enhances Your MBA Application

Job_MBA Application

MBA candidates most often apply to business school because they are seeking more rapid career advancement, or they want to dramatically change their career path. However, for many full-time MBA candidates, job dissatisfaction is just as likely of a reason—otherwise they wouldn’t be applying for an MBA. But no matter the reason behind the MBA, every applicant should remember that their application is a chance to sell their skills and demonstrate the value that they will add to the program. To do this, it’s important to learn how to spin your work experience.

We reached out to Julie R. Barefoot, the Associate Dean of MBA Admissions at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School for her advice on making the most out your job experience. Here’s what she had to say:

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May 8, 2015

Goizueta Dean Joins a Leadership Class of Her Own

Erika James, Dean of Emory University’s Goizueta Business School will join more than 80 other local leaders for the Leadership Atlanta Class of 2016. James was named the school’s first female dean in May 2014. Continue reading…

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May 6, 2015

Salman Rushdie Will Speak at Emory Graduation

A pile of books at Suffolk

Students at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School are busy finishing their finals and making their preparations for graduation. The university wide graduation ceremony will begin on the morning of Monday May 11. At this year’s ceremony, students will be treated to the historically controversial writer Sir Salman Rushdie. Continue reading…

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Apr 29, 2015

Goizueta Gets New Management Practice Associate Dean

The management practice program is an important part of all the MBA offerings at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School. Recently, Lynne Segall was named the new Associate Dean for Management Practice Initiatives. Continue reading…

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