USD Business Professor Explains Millennial Creativity Problems

According to a recent study by IBM, the number one employee trait most desired by 1,500 executives is creativity. Unfortunately, the same survey revealed that more than 50 percent of executives struggle with recognizing and embracing creative solutions. According to Jennifer Mueller, an Associate Professor of Management at the University of San Diego School of Business Administration, the struggle with creativity isn’t a new or isolated problem. Continue reading…
Faculty/Corporate Partnerships at Jindal Give Students Access to Latest Business Tech

Strong faculty/corporate partnerships are allowing students at the University of Texas at Dallas – Naveen Jindal School of Management the chance at hands-on experience with the latest business technology.
Top MBA Recruiters: Berkshire Hathaway

When considering where you want to work, there are a lot of things that come into play. Do you want to work in a small startup or a large multi-national corporation? Do you want variety or do you want to become an expert in a particular field? Do you want prestige or would you rather be a worker-bee? The good news is that there are organizations that can fit any desire, including Berkshire Hathaway.
Carey Students Help Out With Teen Hackathon

The Carey Business School hosted a daylong hackathon for over 40 children from Baltimore City Public Schools. The event was sponsored by IBM and organized in cooperation with Carey Business School students and Carey Net Impact. Continue reading…
Kellogg Prof. Explains Best Ways to Deal with Problematic Team Member

This article was originally sourced from Kellogg Professor Leigh Thompson’s article “What to do with your problem team member” in Kellogg’s news & events section.
Team’s are something we deal with everyday whether in an academic or professional environment. Professor Leigh Thompson from the Kellogg School of Business offered some advice on the school’s website on how to deal with any problematic team member in any facet of life. Continue reading…
Wharton and IBM Launch New Exec. Program

The Wharton School of Business and International Business Machine Corp. have joined to launch a new executive education program. The program has been designed to help chief marketing officers navigate the explosion of data available and will be focused on big data and analytics for marketing executives.
Forty-eight CMOs, chief customer officers and others in related leadership roles will be selected to participate in the new program, called “The CMO Advantage: Evolving Beyond the Digital Revolution.” Faculty members from The Wharton School’s marketing will teach the two-week course. The course will address the impact of big data, analytics and new technologies on customer engagement. The program will take place in June and applications for the course will open on Oct. 20.