Saïd Study Examines How to Get Businesses More Involved in Creating More Inclusive Capitalism

Oxford’s Saïd School of Business recently shared new research focused on identifying and confronting the significant challenges involved in getting business to play a greater role in creating more inclusive economies, particularly in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Saïd Awards Three MBA Scholarships to Latin American Students

Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford awarded three scholarships to attend a Saïd MBA program to three students from Latin America, according to a press release from the school. Alexandre Carneiro of Brazil was given the “Dean’s Scholarship for Nationals from Latin America,” funded by Saïd dean Peter Tufano and his wife Mary Jeanne Tufano. Ana Maria Moreno of Ecuador and William Ou of Brazil were each awarded the Saïd Foundation Scholarship for Latin Americans. Continue reading…
Mason MBA Alum named International Consultant of the Year

Jonathan R. Snowling, a senior partner at SR Strategic Communications and George Mason MBA alum, was honored with the 2015 American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC) Campaign Excellence Award for International Consultant of the Year.
Winning this award wasn’t easy, and neither was Snowling’s task of steering Juan Carlos Varela’s presidential campaign in the Republic of Panama. A U.S. invasion in 1989 ended the dictatorship of Manuel Noriega in the country. Since then, there have only been 5 free elections. Continue reading…
Cass Executive MBA Students Create Real Business Solutions in Chile

Chile, one of Latin America’s fastest growing economies, hosted Executive MBA students from Cass Business School for the school’s annual International Consulting Week.
More than 50 students traveled to Santiago, where they helped companies solve real business challenges.
This is the first time Cass has held its consultancy week in Chile, where a stable economy and government support for entrepreneurs have transformed it into a hot bed for new ventures.
“For International Consulting Week, our aim is to challenge MBAs to deliver real value for their clients. The stakes are high – client companies expect a lot – and their expectations are frequently significantly exceeded,” says Dr. Sionade Robinson, MBA Associate Dean.
Students applied their classroom skills to business challenges affecting 14 companies, ranging from start-ups specialising in health and technology to entrepreneurs and multinationals serving Chile’s mining and dairy industries.
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