LBS Global Leadership Summit Projects Majority Will Work Remotely by 2020

As London Business School’s Global Leadership Summit, 2014 participants debated the impact of technology on everything from the creation of the ‘new teenager’ to the office pecking order, an audience of 600 at the Summit organized in collaboration with Deloitte was asked a series of key questions. When asked what percentage of their company’s full-time workforce would be working remotely by 2020, 34% said more than half and 25% said more than three-quarters would not work in a traditional office. Continue reading…
LBS Awards Honorary Degrees and Fellowships at Congregation 2014

Helena Morrissey CBE, CEO of Newton Investment Management, is one of a trio of individuals whose outstanding contribution to business has been recognized with an honorary fellowship at London Business School. Helena was voted one of the 50 Most Influential People in Finance by Bloomberg Markets magazine in October 2013. In 2010 she was named the Financial News ‘Most Influential Women in European Asset Management.’
In 2010, Helena founded the 30% Club, a cross-business initiative aimed at achieving 30% women on UK corporate boards by 2015 through voluntary, business-led change. She received a CBE in the 2012 Honours list.
MIT Sloan appoints innovation expert Hal Gregersen to head the MIT Leadership Center

MIT Sloan announced the appointment of Hal Gregersen, co-author of The Innovator’s DNA, to its faculty. Gregersen will serve as both the executive director of the MIT Leadership Center and as a senior lecturer in leadership and innovation in the Work and Organization Studies Group.
Gregersen comes to MIT from INSEAD, where he held the Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Chaired Professorship of Innovation and Leadership. Previously, he taught at the London Business School, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, Helsinki School of Economics, Brigham Young University, and the Turku School of Economics as a Fulbright Fellow. Gregersen is also a Senior Fellow at Innosight, the consulting firm, and a former advisory board member at Pharmascience. Continue reading…