Sloan Offers New 18-Month Format for Master of Finance Program
MIT Sloan School of Management‘s Master of Finance program is now offering students the opportunity to expand the length of their program to 18 months. The program, which is normally completed in one year, will now be expanded across four semesters, instead of three. This new format of the program will also give students the opportunity to complete a summer internship. The first groups of students to complete this pilot program will graduate in 2017. The new program format will also offer students the option to complete a concentration in capital markets or corporate finance.
The new 18-month format for the program will have the same requirements as the 12-month program. The only difference between the program is the length of time students have to complete the program and the opportunity to complete a summer internship. The new format will first be offered for the next intake of MFin students in July 2016. Students begin the program by completing a six-weak term that focuses on using advanced mathematical models and methods to find solutions to complex financial issues.